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Practical relevance plus professional contacts

Practical training is an integral part of the Bachelor's degree programmes. Depending on the degree programme, it is completed in companies, institutions, educational establishments, clinics, surgeries, etc. outside the university. This allows you to apply your theoretical knowledge in practice and also gives you the opportunity to make professional contacts. You can find the basics of the internships in the study and examination regulations of the respective degree programmes.

Eine Person in weißem Kittel füllt ein Gerät im Labor mit etwas Wasser.
Zwei Personen sind zu sehen, sie halten sowohl ein Solarstrommesser als auch eine Solarscheibe in der Hand.

Practical semester

The internship in the practical semester usually comprises 80 working days and serves to put into practice and deepen the knowledge gained so far in the degree programme. In this advanced stage of the programme, students are required to work on projects in the specialist departments of the internship companies.

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Eine Person sitzt vor einer Tafel auf einem Tisch.

Practical school studies

As part of the Engineering Education degree programme, a school placement must be completed by the end of the 3rd semester. An accompanying seminar is offered for this work placement (preparatory phase as part of block courses at the end of the 1st semester, reflection and accompanying courses during the work placement phase, follow-up seminars in the 2nd and 3rd semesters).

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Man sieht zwei Personen die nebeneinander stehen und ihre Arme angewinkelt haben.


In the Sign Language Interpreting degree programme, the internship consists of three practical phases: the orientation internship, the work shadowing internship and the interpreting internship.

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Eine person legt einen Zugang an einem Umschnallmodell.

Practical assignments

The first six semesters of the Physician Assistant degree programme each end with a three-week practical placement. These placements are designed to consolidate the knowledge and practical skills acquired during the semester.

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Eine Frau hört eine Babypuppe ab, welche in einer Neugeborenen-Reanimationseinheit liegt. Eine weitere Frau legt der Puppe einen Sensor an.

Practical phase

Combining theoretical knowledge with clinical practice is a central element of the dual midwifery degree programme. Each semester therefore begins with a coherent theory block followed by a practical block at a specially selected, co-operating practice facility.

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Practical semester abroad

You also have the opportunity to complete your practical semester abroad.

In the course of globalisation, an internship abroad is becoming increasingly important. Today, it is very important for career planning if you can demonstrate work experience abroad, good foreign language skills and intercultural competences.

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Drei Stühle mit jeweils den Worten We, want, you sind zu sehen.

Job exchange

Here you will find job advertisements of the faculty for the practical semester.

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