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Many questions, many options.
Which advice centre is the right one for your questions? This overview can give you an initial idea of which advice centre is right for your situation.
Feel free to contact us at any time if you are unsure!

Central Student Counselling and Career Service

Student Service Centre

The Student Service Centre supports students in all formal processes, from the application process, recognition of academic achievements, questions about study and examination regulations, applications for leave of absence or deadline extensions, through to exmatriculation.

More information here

Central Student Counselling and Career Service

We answer all your general questions about studying. From deciding on a degree programme at the start of your studies to starting your career, we are there to help and advise you.

More information here

Student counselling

The Student Advisory Service provides students with support and information on all questions relating to planning and organising their studies. It should be used in particular at the beginning of the degree programme, for failed examinations, for planned semesters abroad or when changing degree programmes.

More information here

International Office

The International Office acts as a reliable partner for students who are planning an exchange semester abroad or are completing their Erasmus exchange semester at Landshut University of Applied Sciences. With professional support, it assists with the organisation, facilitates the process and promotes intercultural exchange. A contact point for a wide range of opportunities and enriching experiences in an international study environment.

More information here
Man sieht das Logo von den Study Mates.

Study Mates

The Study Mates are trained students from higher semesters and various degree programmes at the university who provide individual support to pupils, applicants, first-semester students and students from higher semesters and provide information and assistance with questions about studying.

More information here

Student Representation (STUV)

The student representatives, or STUV for short, is a collective term for the elected student representatives in the Senate, the student councils and the student convention. These representatives stand up for your interests in the respective committees, play an active role in determining university policy and also organise additional events at the university, such as the summer and winter festivals, the long night of homework, courses or events.

More information here

Psychological counselling

The psychological counselling service at Landshut University of Applied Sciences and the Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz provides students with concrete, free and discreet support in a wide range of situations. The psychological counselling service provides expert and confidential support for minor and major concerns.

More information here

Financing & BAföG

Here you will find detailed information on the various funding options available during your studies. Please get in touch with the relevant contact person.

More information here

Living in Landshut

Landshut offers its students a variety of housing options. We have summarised numerous halls of residence and tips on finding accommodation for you on the homepage.

More information here
Drei Personen sitzen nebeneinander in einem Raum und schauen auf den vor ihnen stehenden Computer.

IT Services

The helpdesk group is the first point of contact for all members of the university for questions relating to the IT service, focussing on Studimail, tokens, first level support, IT workstations, user administration, IT labs and much more.

More information here
Man sieht drei Personen die um eine Puppe herumstehen. Die eine Person misst deren Kopfumfang.

Family at the university

The university supports parents in caring for their children. If you have any questions about compatibility, please contact the university's family service and you will receive information about support during the semester or for school-age children during the holidays.

More information here
Man sieht einen Baum.

Barrier-free studying

The tasks of a representative for the interests of students with disabilities or chronic illnesses include advising and informing students who experience impairments in their studies for health reasons.

More information here
Man sieht eine Infotafel mit dem Campusplan.

Advice on discrimination and (sexualised) harassment

If you are affected by discrimination and/or (sexualised) violence at Landshut University of Applied Sciences, you can report the incident quickly and easily at any time using our digital form. After examining the case, you will be informed about the legal and extra-legal options for action and protection, if desired during a personal counselling appointment.

Your details will only be passed on to the university-wide representative for protection against discrimination and (sexualised) violence (Prof. Dr. Sara Siakala) and will be treated with absolute confidentiality.

Incident report form
Man sieht ein Skelettbecken.

Health insurance during your studies

To be able to study, you must have health insurance. Find out here about the most important insurances during your studies.

More information here
Foto: Situation Beratungsgespräch ein Student und zwei Beratende des Gründerzentrums

Start-up centre

Are you thinking about founding your own company or start-up? Would you like to deepen your knowledge of entrepreneurship and start-ups? The start-up centre at Landshut University of Applied Sciences supports your innovative ideas right through to the successful founding of your company. We provide students from all faculties, alumni, professors and employees of Landshut University of Applied Sciences with information, advice and support.

More information here