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Intercultural exchange plays a major role at our faculty. We specifically promote international activities for our students and provide a comprehensive foreign language programme for all students at Landshut University of Applied Sciences.

Eine Frau steht vor einer Wand mit Graffiti.
Zwei Personen unterhalten sich an der Bar

Semester abroad

Are you considering going abroad for a semester? An international stay during your studies offers you an exceptional experience in any case. It gives you the opportunity to develop both your academic and language skills. In addition, a semester abroad promotes your intercultural competence - which is a decisive advantage for you in an increasingly globalised working world. The International Office will be happy to help you and support you in planning and preparing for your semester abroad.

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Drei Personen sitzen an einem Schreibtisch. Auf dem Bildschirm eines Laptops sind Grafiken und Kreisdiagramme zu sehen.

Internship abroad

An internship abroad is always a benefit, as it prepares you for the international working world. It also gives you the opportunity to build up an international network and familiarise yourself intensively with the culture in another country. The International Office will be happy to advise you on this and provide you with important tips and support.

More information here
Blick auf der D-Gebäude mit studierenden sitzend auf den Enzos

International activities

Our faculty is involved in several international projects, offers excursions abroad and cooperates with international universities.

More information here

Contact persons

Prof. Dr. phil. Maja Tabea Jerrentrup

Professor of New Media and Intercultural Communication, Foreign representative