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Advisory Board

for the Bachelor's degree programme in Social Work in Child and Youth Welfare

Important step towards future viability: honorary advisory board appointed for the Bachelor's degree programme in Social Work in Child and Youth Welfare.

The advisory board members, who contribute expertise from youth welfare institutions, authorities, associations, academia and as experience experts as well as students, contribute to the profile development and quality assurance of the degree programme.

"It is important that the existing further development committee for the degree programme, which is made up of colleagues from the faculty, is open to new perspectives. We are grateful for the impetus that this gives us," says programme director Prof. Dr Mechthild Wolff. An important discussion was therefore also on the agenda of the inaugural meeting. This was about how the topic of "inclusion" can be better positioned in the programme's curriculum. "Over the next few years, we will face the challenge of merging child and youth welfare with integration assistance by 2028. We need to make our students fit for this," said Wolff. The advisory board made important suggestions in this regard.

The advisory board also adopted rules of procedure and at the end of the meeting, the members visited the Bavarian State Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Affairs' recently opened touring exhibition "Together - Inclusion in Bavaria". It is currently being shown at Landshut University of Applied Sciences at the instigation of the faculty.

  • Michael Börgl, specialist
  • Dr Harald Britze, State Youth Welfare Office of Bavaria
  • Lisa Christoph, student
  • Claudia Holtkamp, Der Paritätische in Bayern (not in the picture)
  • Natalie Marstaller, student
  • Michael Schwarz, Bavarian Youth Council
  • Detlef Rüsch, specialist
  • Dr Mike Seckinger, German Youth Institute
  • Marie Thiel, student
  • Ludwig Weber, Youth Welfare Organisation Landshut

  • Prof Dr Stefan Borrmann
  • Prof Dr Clemens Dannenbeck
  • Prof. Dr Bettina Kühbeck, Dean of the Faculty of Social Work
  • Gerti Oberhauser
  • Anja Schmidtke
  • Manuela Weber
  • Prof Dr Eva Wunderer
  • Prof. Dr Mechthild Wolff, Head of degree programme