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Contact persons according to responsibilities

In the following overview you can see the contact persons of the faculty organised according to their functions and areas of responsibility:

3 Personen die sich gerade im Labor befinden. Auf dem Tisch bauen sie gerade mit Lego etwas nach. Im Bild ist ein Logo zu sehen mit dem Text: 50 Jahre Fakultät Betriebswirtschaft.

Vice Dean

Deanery Secretariat

Employee International Programmes

Christina Fertl

Assistant to the Faculty of Business Administration

Study counselling Bachelor degree programmes

Prof. Dr. Patrick Dieses

Student Counselling Bachelor of Business Administration (BW)

Prof. Dr. Robin Hau

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Bachelor of Business Psychology & Sustainability Management (WPN)

Prof. Dr. Tina Krieger

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Bachelor Digitalisation & Business Creation (DUG)

Eine Person steht vor einer Glaswand und lächelt.
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Martina Mitterhofer

Programme Director & Student Counselling Bachelor Medien- & Kommunikationsmanagement (MKM)

Prof. Dr. Maren Martens

Programme Director & Student Counselling Bachelor of Digitalisation, Process Optimisation & Management (DPM)

Eine Person steht vor einer Glaswand und lächelt.
Prof. Dr. Christiane Reif

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Bachelor Internationale Betriebswirtschaft (IB)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Zinser

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Bachelor Tax Consultancy (SB), Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Bachelor Tax Consultancy (SB)

Counselling for Master's degree programmes

Prof. Dr. Sandra Gronover

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Master Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung (MUF)

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Jaeger

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Master International Business (MIB)

Domestic practice representative

Prof. Dr. Michael Buerker

Domestic practice representative, Domestic practice representative

Practice representative abroad

Chairman of the Examination Board

Dual study programme representative

Research and Technology Transfer Officer

Women's Representative / Diversity Representative

Prof. Dr. Valentina Speidel

Women's Representative of the Faculty of Business Administration

Student representation

Sabrina Hani

Student representative