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Accredited degree program

International Business Administration

The Master's degree programme focuses on business management in a global, dynamic and digital environment. Dynamic and global economic and business developments require not only sound business expertise but also management skills. Students are expected to spend one to two semesters abroad during their studies. It is possible to obtain a double degree by transferring to one of the partner universities. Lectures and examinations are held in English. The Master's thesis is also expected to be written in English.

Start Sommer semester
Admission CriteriaZulassungsbeschränkt
Application period 15.11.2024 - 28.02.2025
Study format Full time
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration3 Semester
Accredited degree program
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    Programme content

    In the first semester, the degree programme has a generalist and broad focus with an international context. You will receive targeted case study-based support in key management skills as well as networked and sustainable thinking, project management, strategy and change management, and you will acquire sound business management expertise.

    Students spend the second semester abroad and complete their studies in the third semester with the Master's thesis and the thesis colloquium.

    Study programme

    The first semester takes place at Landshut University of Applied Sciences and offers a generalist business orientation with international connections. Students are expected to spend one to two semesters abroad during their studies. It is possible to obtain a double degree by transferring to one of the partner universities. Lectures and examinations are held in English. The Master's thesis is also expected to be written in English. Students have the opportunity to specialise in a particular subject by choosing subjects at a foreign partner university. The degree programme is flexible and can be adapted to individual requirements, interests and expectations. The standard period of study is three semesters; the programme concludes with a Master's thesis and a Master's colloquium.


    All modules of the Master's degree programme in International Business Administration are taught in English.

    The first semester consists of the following modules: International Business Environment and Strategy, Business Ethics & CSR in Digital Business, Global Operations Management, International Accounting & Management Control, International Financial Management and Agile and Hybrid Project Management in International Environment. The second and third semesters can be completed at a partner university with International Business modules in order to obtain a double degree.

    For students who spend the second and third semesters in Landshut, a mix of online courses from the VHB (Virtual University of Bavaria) and face-to-face courses at Landshut University of Applied Sciences is available. With the modules taken in the second semester and the choice of partner university, students determine their desired specialisation.

    The modules of the third semester in Landshut are Business Research Methods; Postgraduate Major Project/ Master Thesis and Thesis Colloquium.

    Thanks to the modular structure of the degree programme, it is possible to arrange the semester sequence flexibly.

    Studien- und Prüfungsplan

    Prof. Dr. Burkhard Jaeger

    Academic advisor