Prof. Dr. Clemens Dannenbeck
Soziale Arbeit
Head of degree programme (M.A.) Social Work: Shaping Diversity
Deputy member of the examination board
Representative for the interests of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses
Representative of the university for diversity
Founding member of the Institute for Social Change and Cohesion Research (IKON)
Teaching areas
BA Social Work
The Sociological View of Modern Societies (Lecture)
Social Work and Cultural Differences (Lecture)
Sociology of the Body and Disability (Seminar)
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (seminar)
BA accompanying seminar
BA Social Work in Child and Youth Welfare
Model of Inclusion in Child and Youth Work (seminar)
Diversity as a Challenge for Youth Research and Youth Policy (seminar)
MA Social Work: Shaping Diversity
Social Inequality (Seminar)
Theories of Society and Social Change (Seminar)
MA Clinical Social Work
Clinical Social Work with People with Disabilities (Seminar)
Sign Language Interpreting degree programme
Introduction to Disability Studies (Seminar)