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Launch of the DIWAG doctoral programme

First doctoral students at the doctoral programme Digital Innovations for a Changing Society (DIWAG) start work

On 27 February 2024, the professors from Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU), the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden (OTH AW) and Landshut University of Applied Sciences (HSL) gathered in Neu-Ulm for an initial meeting to get to know each other. A good three months later, the first doctoral students in the DIWAG doctoral programme began their journey at the end of May. The research area is dedicated to digital innovations that are intended to help overcome the challenges of social change.

Starting signal for successful interdisciplinary collaboration

The end of February was all about getting to know each other. After welcoming speeches by Priv.-Doz. Dr Elmar Buchner, Head of the Doctoral Centre at HNU, Prof. Dr Wolfgang Weber, Vice President for Research at OTH AW and Prof. Dr Daniel Houben, Professor at the Faculty of Social Work at Landshut University of Applied Sciences, a speed networking session took place immediately. In short but intensive rounds, all participants got to know each other better. This allowed initial points of contact to be established between the various disciplines.

The subsequent working groups on topics such as the qualification programme or the doctoral statutes rounded off the profitable event with their results. Priv-Doz. Dr Elmar Buchner concluded "a very promising kick-off event". In his opinion, the exchange at the speed networking event and the constructive discussions in the working groups were extremely valuable for all participants.

Achieving more for society together

Getting to know each other and networking have already borne their first fruits. The first four doctoral students started at DIWAG in the second half of May. They are being supervised by tandems from two of the participating universities. This also fulfils the fundamental idea of interdisciplinarity. In addition to their research, the doctoral students will complete a specially developed qualification programme and also gain experience in teaching. The knowledge acquired in this way will support them on their further academic career path. Further promising applications are expected for the next round of applications in July.

Landshut is the first Faculty of Social Work to participate in a doctoral programme in Bavaria

The research areas Data and Process Science and Social Change and Cohesion Research from Landshut are involved in DIWAG. The Faculty of Social Work provides five professors. But that's not all: it is the first Faculty of Social Work in the whole of Bavaria to be involved in a doctoral programme. "As the first Faculty of Social Work in Bavaria to be part of a doctoral centre, we are looking forward to the interdisciplinary collaboration and the opportunity to promote the academic careers of young people. This is a great opportunity for Landshut University of Applied Sciences and for social work," says Prof Dr Mechthild Wolff, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Social Work, expressing her delight.

The operational launch of the DIWAG doctoral programme marks a significant milestone in interdisciplinary cooperation and the promotion of academic careers. Through its participation and its unique position as the first university in Bavaria to be involved in a doctoral programme with its Faculty of Social Work, Landshut University of Applied Sciences is once again demonstrating that it is pursuing innovative paths.

Photo: Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
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