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25th anniversary of service at Landshut University of Applied Sciences

Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Mechthild Wolff from the Faculty of Social Work celebrates impressive successes

Despite her many years of professional experience, she sees herself as a learner, constantly incorporating newly acquired knowledge into her teaching: Mechthild Wolff, Professor of Educational Aspects at the Faculty of Social Work. She has been a professor at Landshut University of Applied Sciences for 21 years and is employed by the Free State of Bavaria. She is celebrating 25 years of service this year.

"I like doing research because it's important for me to cooperate with other universities and think outside the box," says the married Hessian. Over the last 15 years, she has implemented several research projects on participation in residential educational support. She has put a lot of energy into the project close to her heart: child protection in institutions. As there have been a number of scandals in Germany in recent years involving violence and abuse of power against children and young people in professional and voluntary child and youth welfare institutions, Prof. Wolff has been working with various partner universities on the topic of "protection concepts". This involves measures that help to make facilities safer for young people and prevent violence.

Prof. Wolff's tireless commitment

The knowledge gained in a foster child project also contributed to a change in national legislation: protection concepts in foster child care are now mandatory thanks to Wolff's commitment. She is also currently working with the Bayerischer Jugendring as a practice partner on a digital learning platform for the development of protection concepts in youth association work. A digital learning platform for protection concepts in foster care with practical digital work aids has just been completed and handed over to seven state youth welfare offices for use.

She is changing society with her profession as a professor

The course director loves her multifaceted profession. She wants to encourage students to gain new social and cultural experiences, "to make them think and reflect on themselves and the topics of social work". She also greatly values the collaboration with her colleagues and enjoys finding creative solutions. "I would like to congratulate Prof. Wolff on her 25th anniversary. She has done a great deal for Landshut University of Applied Sciences over the last few decades. Her tireless commitment to the subject of child and youth welfare is a great asset to our students. Her positive nature will spread to them and ultimately have a positive impact on our society," said University President Prof. Fritz Pörnbacher.

Photo: Landshut University of Applied Sciences
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