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Studied in Landshut and made a career!

Successful alumna of Landshut University of Applied Sciences, Bettina Fetzer, shares her personal career path and international experiences.

Last week, University President Fritz Pörnbacher, along with the International Office, welcomed a very special alumna of Landshut University of Applied Sciences: Bettina Fetzer, the Chief Marketing Officer of Mercedes-Benz, who graduated from the university in 2003. Her master's program at that time was in "European Business Studies (EBS)," which preceded the current "International Business (IB)" program.

Ms. Fetzer, who had undertaken study abroad experiences in the United Kingdom, Dubai, and Sweden during her time at Landshut University of Applied Sciences, impressed the audience with her outstanding career at Mercedes-Benz. At just 38 years old, she became the youngest Vice President in the company's history. In an engaging presentation, the 43-year-old shared insights into her career, the Mercedes-Benz brand, and her role within the corporation. Following that, Ms. Fetzer explained the factors she considers crucial for a successful career.

She emphasized that the driving forces behind her success were hard work, a healthy self-belief, and the courage to step into larger roles. During her studies in Cambridge (UK), for example, she worked three part-time jobs to finance the expensive cost of living. Ms. Fetzer highlighted the importance of such experiences in her career: "Uncomfortable situations prepare you for life; that's how you grow." However, she also noted that kindness, authenticity, and a bit of luck are essential components of success.

After her presentation, the native of Burghausen answered numerous questions from the attending students. She addressed inquiries about cultural challenges during her internship in Dubai and discussed the future of German automotive manufacturers in the field of electromobility.

As a token of appreciation for her return and inspiring words, Bettina Fetzer received a typical Landshut "Buchskranzl" and a university hoodie. These symbolic gifts were presented as a gesture of gratitude.

The event not only provided a unique opportunity to learn from a successful alumna but also underscored the importance of international experience for personal and professional development.

Photo: Landshut University of Applied Sciences