defective components and high costs for reworking. To prevent this and improve processes in the steel industry, Landshut University of Applied Sciences is developing a new contactless temperature sensor as part [...] production costs. The two companies LKM electronic GmbH and automatic Klein GmbH are participating as industrial partners. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy is providing Landshut University [...] to succeed, it is essential to increase energy efficiency and drive savings in energy-intensive industries”, says Rödiger. The Landshut professor therefore sees great potential in the new measuring system
the “Hands-on-Tag Medizin” (Hands-on Day of Medicine”) along with the Faculty of Electrical and Industrial Engineering. Whether in the surgery workshop with Dr Alexander Pflügler, consultant at Landshut-Achdorf [...] details of sonography in the workshop with Prof. Stefanie Remmele from the Faculty of Electrical and Industrial Engineering. Together with Prof. Christopher Auer and her working groups, Remmele also took the
production and logistics systems. Strong support from industry To establish the necessary practical relevance, the project is being supported by four industry partners, MANN + HUMMEL, KÜHNE+NAGEL, NeoLog and [...] of AI-based production logistics so as to further strengthen the competitiveness and growth of industry in the region, especially of SMEs. The project has received some 600,000 euros of funding from the [...] studies. “We are very pleased to have been able to gain four highly regarded and regionally based industrial partners for our project, and to have TUM on board at the same time. This demonstrates that with
of best-evaluated courses, with engineer Hans-Peter Kiermaier from the Faculty of Electrical and Industrial Engineering offering the best course in the whole of Germany, a practical course in computer science
Sciences. The founders are Prof. Dr. Holger Timinger from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Engineering and Management, Prof. Dr. Maren Martens from the Faculty of Business Administration [...] Bavaria, but always have a regional focus and therefore serve to strengthen the local business and industrial location. In the area of teaching, there are seminars in the Master's degree, for doctoral students
These days, lightweight design is among the key technologies in many industries, from mechanical engineering to vehicle construction, through to aerospace. After all, in addition to the use of lighter [...] characterisation and modelling of the mechanical behaviour of magnesium in order to be able to use it in industry. "Magnesium is one of the lightest metallic construction materials, which poses great challenges [...] a basic prerequisite for being able to use the high lightweight design potential of magnesium industrially", explains Huber (supervisor on the part of Landshut University of Applied Sciences). Also su
Kleimaier is further developing the concept for a specific application in collaboration with his industrial partner Silver Atena from Landshut. Photo: Landshut University of Applied Sciences (free to use
production logistics technologies. Promoting exchanges of knowledge and experience between science and industry "Small and medium-sized enterprises in particular will benefit," says Schneider. "This is because
ble influences such as corona, new technologies but also increasing competition are forcing the industry to change. "For manufacturing companies, the assembly system plays a crucial role in this context
motor,” explains the Landshut-based Professor. An upheaval in the sector The power semiconductor industry is currently undergoing an upheaval. “In the USA in particular, several very innovative companies [...] light and efficient “At our laboratory for power electronics at the Faculty of Electrical and Industrial Engineering, we are working on the realisation of a particularly low-inductance assembly technology
Landshut University of Applied Sciences, representatives of participating universities and Bavarian industry met to develop joint ideas for future product and process innovations. Resource-efficient component [...] Tackling complex challenges together However, the application of additive manufacturing in the industrial environment is complex: the focus is not only on the layer-by-layer construction of components
intelligent building management Professor Dr. Stefan-Alexander Arlt from the Faculty of Electrical and Industrial Engineering is responsible for data acquisition. To this end, measurement and control equipment [...] science,” says the professor. Advantages for consumers, energy suppliers and the public sector Industry, as well as the energy sector and local authorities could, in future, benefit from the new system
improving international visibility. Benefits for industry, students and researchers The institutes involved stand out as a point of contact for questions from industry, business and politics and act as an independent
(Project nano to macro), as well as a competence network for intelligent production logistics and an Industry 4.0 knowledge offensive for medium-sized enterprises, which focus on transfer solutions for businesses
measurement and error control of reflective surface – known as “phase-measuring deflectometry”. In industry, this is used in the inspection of varifocal lenses for glasses, car body parts and smartphone displays
virtually networked, and are able to communicate both with each other and with humans. In the world of industry, this can help prevent errors in the area of production or make processes more efficient, for instance
and quality assurance, by scanning components. These machines can also be used by companies for industrial applications. Photo: Landshut University of Applied Sciences (free to use if source cited) Image1:
shows that young people from colleges and universities enjoy tackling the challenges of a complex industrial environment. And so this year, too, there are solutions that we can integrate into our processes
developing and emerging countries," said Zugschwert. However, private households in Germany and other industrial nations could also benefit from the new battery. After all, there is a huge cost advantage with
Landshut University of Applied Sciences. The TZE also contributed its process-related know-how to the industrial production of electrodes. For further information on the ProZell competence cluster and the detailed
create a storage system with a capacity of 50 kilowatt hours, which will be used as a commercial and industrial storage facility for SMEs, apartment buildings and utilities. ? More sustainable and less expensive
Landshut University of Applied Sciences. The topics available in the modules range from IT security and Industry 4.0 to digital marketing, the marketing of sustainable products and services, sustainability management
principles of optics and physics, AI methods, algorithms and sensor technology, as well as knowledge of industrial requirements. The three project partners therefore complement each other ideally: while the focus
international solutions provider for renewable and hybrid energy systems for standalone systems, industry and utilities companies which is based in Munich, Germany. The company provides turnkey solutions
Dynamometer test Together with Research Assistants Konstantin Huber and Felix Gackstatter and the industrial partner Spiess, Rödiger carried out the set of measurements on a test bench with a specially-prepared