energies, aligning investment decisions with sustainability, managing social and environmental risks, qualifying employees for sustainable development, and sustainability reporting. Gruber also explained how the [...] company Kern-Liebers currently setting up its sustainability management? Anna Gruber gave answers to this question during her guest lecture in the module "Sustainable Management" of Prof. Dr. Markus Schmitt [...] involved in the development of sustainability management at Kern-Liebers from the very beginning. In the meantime, she is responsible for it herself as Director Corporate Sustainability. In her presentation, Anna
certificate within their regular degree programs at the same time." These sustainability-oriented modules include, for example, sustainable management, material flow management and waste management, business [...] ethics. In addition, there are Studium Generale modules, such as the Sustainability Workshop and "Impact for Future: Sustainability and Social Impact." Bachelor's and Master's theses are also credited [...] intensively with sustainability requirements in recent years - initially from our traditional disciplines. However, we see that companies and society want and need to approach sustainable development ho
crucial for making the right decisions. CSR/sustainability management - a complex task A structured approach is also necessary when it comes to CSR and sustainability management, as Martina Hörmann emphasized [...] concerns are integrated into corporate activities. The topic of sustainability was anchored at the latest with the adoption of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the UN. The goals relate to the economic [...] importance of structured data in the optimization of processes and project management as well as sustainability reporting. The topic of the event on June 27, 2023, which took place in cooperation with the
The introduction to the topic of raw material extraction and sustainability as part of the seminar “Sustainable Development I: Principles” by Prof. Prasch was given by a lecture by Ms. Dr. Stephanie Gillhuber [...] students, this excursion to an exemplary location was a great opportunity to get in touch with sustainable transformation topics, particularly in the discussions on the tension between technology, economics
Agenda Plus. As with all our construction projects, we are also setting an example in terms of sustainability and climate protection. I am delighted that the University of Applied Sciences in Landshut is [...] - especially for Landshut University of Applied Sciences. The new laboratory building combines sustainable architecture with the best research conditions for engineering and computer science courses - and [...] to use as few components made of composite building materials as possible in the interest of sustainability. Only the access core and the stairs are implemented in solid construction for reasons of fire
Technology, Business and Social Affairs'. We see 'Sustainability, Health and Media' as new thematic and growth areas. Particularly in the area of sustainability, we see a connecting point here for the architecture [...] Landshut is not known for nothing for its numerous historic buildings, which fit the aspect of sustainable building and construction. The topics of building in existing contexts and building renovation [...] Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Prof. Dr. Christian Koletzko, added that focus topics such as sustainability and digitalization could be implemented in the future architecture degree program. For example
established the "Education Certificate for Sustainable Development" according to a state-wide standard ("Bayernzertifikat"). This makes our study content on sustainability even more visible to the outside world
arrange new housing options for the students. About the study program: The degree program "SIOB" - Sustainable Industrial Operations and Business - is the answer to tomorrow's challenges. The degree program [...] managers who will shape future projects in companies strategically and operationally with a focus on sustainability. The industrial engineering program is a future-oriented course of study with the best career
also responsible for the doctoral programme Digital Innovations for a Changing Society (DIWAG). Sustainability and resource efficiency as integral building blocks NITRO's research activities focus on product [...] production systems and processes, materials engineering and technology and innovation. The topics of sustainability and resource efficiency form the two integral building blocks of the focal areas. New manufacturing
also possible to retain young scientific talent from the centre's own ranks. This form of social sustainability in the scientific apparatus will help to maintain the high quality of research in Landshut. [...] economic and ecological problems using digital technologies: digital solutions for cross-area sustainability made in Landshut. Photos: Deggendorf Institute of Technology (Free for use, subject to attribution)
Since the international Bachelor's degree course in Sustainable Industrial Operations and Business (SOIB) started last winter semester at the Isar Campus in Dingolfing, students have been able to become
The idea was to support a good cause and promote sustainability and environmental protection as part of World Environment Day. This was implemented by the participants starting from the university and
architectural practice, pos-architekten zt gmbh from Vienna attached particular importance to sustainability. For example, the offices manage without air conditioning thanks to an automated sunscreen and
have been expanded in line with the challenges of industry, and content on work organization, sustainability and digitalization has been strengthened. Thus, the renamed "Management of Production and Supply
the individual institutions set many innovative accents on mega-topics such as digitization and sustainability, in addition to clear priorities of their own in the core areas of study and teaching, research
healthcare and social services, media sciences, business and administrative informatics as well as sustainability and Industry 4.0. These subject areas are currently in high demand both in science and in business"
ng and strengthening cooperation in the fields of business, computer science, engineering and sustainable development, which are equally at home in both educational institutions, in order to maintain a
process innovations. Resource-efficient component innovations are an essential prerequisite for the sustainable use of resources in many areas, such as the mobility sector, mechanical and plant engineering,